Gainesville Invasion of Privacy Lawyer

When you enter the workforce, you understand that some rights from your private life may not apply in the same way at work. While there are certain limitations, it's important to remember that aspects of your personal life, such as your medical history, disability status, and the right to use private facilities without surveillance, are still legally protected.

However, entering the workforce does not mean giving up all of your rights. One key right you retain is your right to privacy.

Employer Violations of Privacy Rights

An employer may not infringe on your privacy by engaging in any of the following actions:

  • Disclosing private medical records
  • Revealing your disability status
  • Installing security cameras in private areas such as bathroom stalls
  • Publicly sharing other sensitive and private information

At Massey & Duffy, PLLC, we have represented employees in cases where their privacy rights were violated. For example, in one case, an employer disclosed that an employee had spent time in a mental health facility to her co-workers. In another case, an employer created a peep hole to spy on female employees in the restroom.

Protecting Your Privacy Rights

These violations are not isolated incidents—they occur more often than people think. At Massey & Duffy, PLLC, we understand the emotional and financial toll these privacy violations can take. Our employment law attorneys are committed to seeking full compensation for employees affected by an employer's wrongful actions. If your employer has invaded your privacy, causing you mental anguish or financial loss, we are here to help.